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Brisbane + Gold Coast: 26 to 31 July 2024 

Hello! I am Alicia Cho, a petite and curvy mid-size Asian touring model with experience across a range of genres, including fine art nude, boudoir, kink/fetish, erotica, creative portraiture, and fashion. I regularly tour various Australian cities and towns, and am available to be hired as a photo and video model for your projects and digital content.

Whether you are a commercial photographer or a hobbyist, this is a great opportunity for you to capture some unique photos and diversify your portfolio, to hone your skills and show that you can make beautiful images with models who don't often fit the prevailing standard of beauty, and for you to be able to show that you can and will work with diverse persons - which hopefully would encourage more people to approach you for bookings.

I am happy to offer the following package options for on tour:

Package A: The Creator

You have full control over the direction of our shoot, and will be able to use all images for commercial use, including submission for publication, entry to competitions, posting on your own pay sites (eg Patreon, OnlyFans), and selling prints. Basically, you create what *you* like - with themes still subject to prior approval to fit my boundaries.

Fashion, editorial (fully clothed)

2 hrs (min) $150 ($75/hr) | 4 hrs $250 ($62.50/hr) | 8 hrs $400 ($50/hr)


Art nude, boudoir, lingerie, swimsuit

1 hr $175 | 2 hrs $300 ($150/hr) | 4 hrs $500 ($125/hr) | 8 hrs $800 ($100/hr)

Kink, fetish, erotica*

Rates TBD

* I have extensive experience in these and more than happy to have an open, non-judgemental chat to ease any nerves and offer clarity for photographers who are intrigued by these themes

Package B: The Collaborator

I welcome invitations to co-create on projects that I am interested in pursuing or being part of. Occasionally, I might have a concept that I'd love to shoot together with input from another creative mind. 

I offer discounts off my standard rates for collaborations, subject to our mutual agreement.

Feel free to reach out and pitch your ideas for collaboration. 

I  can also do a mix of these packages (e.g. 2 hours A and 2 hours B) or mixed genres (e.g. half art nude and half erotica at their prices), or create a package based on modified terms (e.g. final image selection, alternative licencing agreements, etc). These are flexible and can be customised to your requirements.

Also open to video shoots. Rates vary - please enquire.

I look forward to co-creating some wonderful images with you! 

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